The most frequently asked questions before taking a lie Detector test relate to accuracy and natural nervousness. Here is a list of commonly asked questions about polygraph testing:

How Accurate is a Lie Detector Test?
The greatest misconception of the polygraph is that it’s 100 percent accurate. According to websites like Industry research suggest polygraph accuracy to be between 90 and 95 percent especially when incorporating best practice with validated testing question formats and computerized polygraph technology.

Does the cost of a Lie Detector Test in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, vary from polygraph pricing in Northern Territory?
The cost of a Lie Test in Australia depends on the type of issue, the number of people being tested, the experience and qualifications of the polygraph examiner, including the amount of updated training and the city you are based in. Lie detector testing can cost less in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane than it would in regional areas like Darwin because the polygraph specialist would have to travel there.
The cost of a Polygraph test also depends on whether it is for fidelity verification or for focus group relationship testing.

Is it normal to be nervous before lie detector testing?
It is perfectly normal and acceptable to be nervous before a polygraph test, however, lie detection instruments detect deception, not the natural nervousness that everyone has. The questions are repeated for consistency and the scoring is averaged out over a series of data collection phases. Examinees on a lie detector exam are not judged by their body language or personality, but only on their truthfulness on the day.

Choosing a polygraph examiner in Australia, to conduct my truth verification polygraph exam
Polygraph examiners of Cognitive Resolutions have qualifications from an accredited international polygraph school. Our examiners have over 10 years experience in lie detection with numerous advanced training certificates in polygraph science. Furthermore, tertiary counselling qualifications held by our examiners can assist clients seeking a lie detector test for infidelity. If a caller needs to verify any facts about polygraphs they are encouraged to contact this firm for a free confidential consultation.

Is it common to take a lie detector test to address allegations of infidelity?
Lie detection and truth verification examinations are becoming increasingly common in relationships with trust issues. A study at Rutgers University indicated that 56% of males involved in an affair declared that they were happy in their marriage. Statistics and research indicate that females are less likely to cheat than men and are more likely to pass a lie detection test then males.

What are the three stages of a Lie Detector Test in Australian polygraph centres?
The three stages of a lie detector test commences with a pre test discussion, then the asking of the actual predetermined test questions, followed by the calculations of the results. The polygraph administrator will ask a series of reviewed questions several times rather than just once. These are diagnostic questions to provide the “norms” on the graph to which comparisons can be made with responses to pertinent questions. Alternatively, the examiner may ask you to lie to a diagnostic question such as, “Prior to this year, have you ever lied to your parents?” Examinees are advised not to over think the answers to the relevant questions or to try beating the polygraph test.

How many questions can be asked during a specific issue polygraph test?
Lie detector tests are conducted to address a single issue at a time, like cheating. Multiple issues like infidelity and gambling are never asked in the same polygraph test. Separate tests may be booked for different issues. We only use validated testing question formats similar to that used by EPA (refer to the website

Lie Detector Examiners qualification and certification.
Every lie detector test conducted at this firm is facilitated by a highly qualified and certified polygraph examiner with advanced training in the Science of Polygraph Testing and with a minimum of ten years experience. Our Australian based truth verification professionals travel to the United States regularly to complete advanced training in the science of lie detector testing. This firm has a policy of continuous training and development in polygraph science by attending actual courses in the United States that law enforcement polygraph professionals attend to advance their skills in lie detection.

What are some common examples of situations where Lie Detector tests are used?

Examples of situations where a lie detector test in Canberra was requested:
Polygraph Case 1: A 30 year old female client had been regularly accused of cheating for two years until she passed a lie detector test, with this firm, and presented her boyfriend with the results before ending the relationship herself. He is now in therapy for drug and alcohol abuse and counselling.
Polygraph Case 2: A 40 year old businessman requested his defensive business associate to do a polygraph test, when his wife told him that the associate had attempted to ask her out for coffee on several occasions. The friend failed the lie test and they do not socialise with that person any longer.
Adelaide Polygraph Example: An in-house research study regarding infidelity was carried out by this firm using the polygraph.

Perth Lie Detector example:
Lie test case 6: A 28 year old man accused his 25 year old girlfriend of cheating while he was away working in the mines. She passed her lie detector test in the Perth suburb of Northbridge; however he failed his test and later admitted to cheating on one occasion while away on work. He agreed to see a counsellor for drug related issues and they have now resolved their issues and appear happy.

Examples of Melbourne Lie Detector Test cases:
Lie test Case 3: A 27 year old lady from the Melbourne suburb of Blackrock, suspected her friend of texting her husband and flirting. The friend denied sending any text messages to the husband, however, the polygraph test in our Melbourne office proved otherwise.
Lie test case 4: A lie detector test was conducted in the Melbourne suburb of Essendon to determine if any family members had knowledge of a so called break in where money was stolen. A 21 year old family member did not pass the test.
Lie detection case 5: A 37 year old woman from Doncaster, who was accused of cheating with her ex husband passed her polygraph test. The husband then agreed to go for marriage counselling in Melbourne. They are still together after undertaking therapy with a marriage counsellor in South Yarra.

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